4th of July Safety Tips “Murica Style”


Drinking and Fireworks

While it may seem like a good idea at the time, drinking and fireworks do not make nice. Just ask Cousin Chuck with the missing thumb.  It’s safety first when lighting fireworks, so you may want to pass the torch to sober Uncle Tom this year and let him have a whirl.


Watch your Perimeter

Tonight is not the night to set the town ablaze. When lighting fireworks, make sure you are in an open area, far away from trees, houses, cars and Grandmas.


Pet Safety

Pets can be very alarmed from noises and bangs from fireworks. This can cause much distress and anxiety for your pets. Make sure to keep them inside your home and put on some comforting music to relax them. A patriotic mix tape perhaps?


Safety Glasses

It’s important to wear safety glasses when handling fireworks. Improper handling of fireworks can cause burns, blindness or the occasional loss of limb.  Save the eye patches for Blackbeard the Pirate, okay?



Guys, we get it! A firework are fun, and so is goofing-off, but lets not do both at once. So leave your brother alone just this once and safely light the fireworks, and point them in an upward direction, and away from innocent relatives.


Secured Home

While your having a good time with friends and family outside, make sure your home is secure and locked. Holidays are an easy opportunity for criminals to sneak inside and steal your stuff!

All joking aside, we wish each and every one of you a Stupendous 4th of July! We hope you are your friends and family stay safe and secure this Independence Day!


Also be sure to check out our signature “Murica Style” drink today at https://youtu.be/IpXLRk01KfA

Happy Independence Day,

From All American Alarm Family